(text-style:"underline","expand")['High Priestess'']
//The arc of the High Priestess is one that travels from secrecy, withdrawl, and self-doubt, and into a trust of oneself, one’s intuition, and a sense of balance. //
{(set: $points to 0)}{(set: $charname to "Protagonist")}
[[''Main Character Profile'': //Rina Meyer//->Rina Bio]]
[[''Side Character Profile'': //Marjorie Wells//->Marjorie Bio]]
[[''Start Conversations''->Name]]
(text-style:"underline")[''MAIN CHARACTER'']
''Name'': Rina Meier
''Age'': early 20s
''Descriptors'': medium height, athletic, shorter dark hair. Wears athletic clothes – tank top, bike-style shorts, wristbands and tennis shoes – in flat blocks of color, like black, white, and blue.
• Neutral: used as the default, a more stern expression
• Angry: narrowed eyes, open mouth
• Upset: wider eyes, pinched expression, trying not to cry in frustration
• Happy: more relaxed face, slight smile
• Sad: exhausted, looking off to the side/down
''Background'': Rina was a tennis prodigy, but moreover, she loved playing the game. Her skill made her a rising star starting as early as junior high, and carrying through high school, earning her a scholarship into a good college. A year ago, however, Rina was in a bad car accident, and suffered some significant injuries. She’s healed, and gone through rigorous physical therapy and conditioning to try and get back into shape again, but something just isn’t clicking for her, and her drive to reclaim who she was and what she had is driving her to a dangerous breaking point.
[[Back to Intro->Intro]]
[[On to Scenes->Name]] (text-style:"underline")[''SECONDARY CHARACTER'']
''Name'': Marjorie Wells
''Age'': early 20’s
''Descriptors'': slender, athletic, tall, curly hair. Wears a fashionable tennis shirt and skirt. She looks fancier than Rina, but still competitive and serious.
• //Neutral//: used as the default, smirking and challenging, head tilted back a little, eyes a little narrowed
• //Sincere//: concerned, eyes more open
• //Happy//: sincere but smiling
''Background'': Marjorie is Rina’s rival – or at least considers herself that. She acts aggressive and is abrasive, but isn’t a cruel or mean person, just is used to that as the language of competition. When she realizes a bit more that Rina is going through, she changes her tone and is more compassionate.
[[Back to Intro->Intro]]
[[On to Scenes->Name]] (text-style:"underline")[''DETAILS'']
''Setup'': The player character is stopping by the local gym to sign up, and overhears two people talking about a “star athlete” working out there on Monday and Wednesday evenings, and wondering if she’d train them. The player gets a note to check out the gym during that time.
''Settings'': All of the sessions take place in the “We Can Work It Out” gym, a large chain similar to an LA Fitness or Bally’s Total Fitness, etc. It is not a luxury location but it is large and well taken care of.
[[Back to Intro->Intro]]
[[On to Scenes->Name]] (set: $charname to (prompt: "Enter your character name:",""))
Your name is $charname.
(text-colour:grey)[''Setting'': The “We Can Work It Out” gym, outside the entrances to the locker rooms. ]
//(> Outside the gym locker rooms...)//
[(text-colour:grey)[`[The PROTAGONIST, `$charname`, has just exited the locker room, ready for practice, when a young woman, RINA, quickly exits the courts from the left side. `$charname` is out of her line of sight.]`]]
''Young Woman'' `[Rina]`: (text-colour:grey)[(upset)] Damn it! I need to focus more...!
[(text-colour:grey)[`[The young woman throws her water bottle on the ground. It rolls near `$charname`]`]]
//(The young woman’s water bottle rolls in your direction.)
(You decide to pick it up and return it to her.)//
[(text-colour:grey)[`[`$charname `picks it up and approaches her, who reacts with mild alarm.]`]]
''Young Woman'' `[Rina]`: What? Oh... yes, that’s mine. I must have... dropped it. Thank you.
[(text-colour:grey)[`[`$charname` hands her the water bottle and she takes it.]`]]
''Young Woman'' `[Rina]`: I don’t recognize you. Are you new here?
[(text-colour:grey)[`[`$charname` nods and introduces themselves.]`]]
//(You nod and introduce yourself.)//
''Rina'': $charname, huh? I’m Rina. ...Rina Meier. I come here to play tennis, and...
//(The young woman clears her throat a moment and composes herself.)//
''Rina'': Look, I’m sorry if you heard my little outburst back there. I was just having a bad day.
* [[I heard that you give lessons.->Session 01 - 02]]
* [[You're the tennis star, right? Teach me!->Session 01 - 02]]
* [[I want to learn from you.->Session 01 - 02]]
(click: "I heard that you give lessons.")[(set: $prevline to "I heard that you give lessons.")]
(click: "You're the tennis star, right? Teach me!")[(set: $prevline to "You're the tennis star, right? Teach me!")]
(click: "I want to learn from you.")[(set: $prevline to "I want to learn from you.")]
(text-colour:grey)[''Setting'': The “We Can Work It Out” gym, indoor tennis courts]
//(> At the gym tennis courts...)//
(text-colour:grey)[`[`$charname` is in gym clothes, practicing different swings with a tennis racket. Rina is standing to the side, watching and nodding, and occasionally doing a move that `$charname` watches.]`]
//(You and Rina have been hard at work training for what feels like hours.)//
//(She had been training when you arrived, and still you find it hard to keep up with her!)//
''Rina'': No, no – your wind-up is too short, you’re not using enough power.
''Rina'': You’re doing too much thinking ahead when you need to feel. The racket needs to be part of you.
* [[What?->Session 02 - 02]]
* [[Like an arm or something?->Session 02 - 02]]
* [[I'm trying...->Session 02 - 02]]
(click: "What?")[(set: $prevline to "What?")]
(click: "Like an arm or something?")[(set: $prevline to "Like an arm or something?")]
(click: "I'm trying...")[(set: $prevline to "I'm trying...")](text-colour:grey)[''Setting'': The “We Can Work It Out” gym, indoor tennis courts]
//(> At the gym tennis courts...)//
//(From the moment you arrived at practice with Rina, you could tell something was different.)//
//(She was a lot more encouraging and forgiving of your mistakes, and seemed to move more easily.)//
''Rina'': Good job, $charname! That was a fantastic serve. You're really developing quite the power shot.
* [[It needs work.->Session 03 - 02A]]
* [[Think I've perfected it?->Session 03 - 02B]]
* [[I have a good teacher.->Session 03 - 02C]]
(click: "It needs work.")[(set: $prevline to "It needs work.")]
(click: "Think I've perfected it?")[(set: $prevline to "Think I've perfected it?")]
(click: "I have a good teacher.")[(set: $prevline to "I have a good teacher.")]//In addition to speech, stage directions in parantheses are visible to the player.
Anything in brackets and/or (text-colour:grey)[gray] are developer-only prompts for 3D models (movement) or 2D expressions.//
Jump to Session:
[[SESSION 1: Intro->Session 01 - 01]]
[[SESSION 2: Climax->Session 02-01]]
[[SESSION 3: Conclusion->Session 03 - 01]]
[[Back to Name entry->Name]]
[[Back to Intro->Intro]]//$charname: "(print: $prevline)"//
[(text-colour:grey)[$charname gestures as if asking a question, and she draws back a little.]]
''Rina'': Where did you hear that I...
''Rina'': (text-colour:grey)[(angry)] Did Marjorie send you here to ask me that? Is she making fun of me?
* [[Would she be a better teacher?->Session 01 - 03A]]
* [[I don’t know who that is.->Session 01 - 03B]]
* [[No, I just heard you’re skilled.->Session 01 - 03C]]
(click: "Would she be a better teacher?")[(set: $prevline to "Would she be a better teacher?")]
(click: "I don’t know who that is.")[(set: $prevline to "I don’t know who that is.")]
(click: "No, I just heard you’re skilled.")[(set: $prevline to "No, I just heard you’re skilled.")]//$charname: "(print: $prevline)"// ''(+1 pt)''(set: $points to $points + 1)
''Rina'': (text-colour:grey)[(angry)] Of course not! If she spent more time practicing her serves instead of her comebacks, maybe she’s stand a chance.
''Rina'': (text-colour:grey)[(angry)] At any rate, you must not have met her, or you’d know better than to ask me that.
[[Continue...->Session 01 - 04]]//$charname: "(print: $prevline)"// ''(+2 pts)''(set: $points to $points + 2)
''Rina'': (text-colour:grey)[(angry)] A frustrating woman... I suppose she considers me her rival or something. A waste of my time.
''Rina'': But you seem honest. Not terribly forthcoming, but honest.
[[Continue...->Session 01 - 04]]//$charname: "(print: $prevline)"// ''(+3 pts)'' (set: $points to $points + 3)
''Rina'': Oh... well, yes. I do have – had – quite the record.
''Rina'': (text-colour:grey)[(sad)] If someone knows I work out here, there will be... expectations.
[[Continue...->Session 01 - 04]]''Rina'': I suppose they do say that the best way to practice one’s craft is to teach it to another...
''Rina'': Fine. I don’t expect payment, but I do expect promptness. You want to learn, be here on time.
[(text-colour:grey)[`[Rina crosses her arms.]`]]
//(The young woman crosses her arms confidently and studies you.)//
''Rina'': And if you mean to win, be here early.
[(text-colour:grey)[`[$charname nods. {SOCIAL LINK BANNER HERE}]`]]
''Rina'': One last thing... Please ignore my earlier outburst. I will do better next time. Always do better.
''Rina'': See you next time, $charname. Early.
//(text-colour:grey)[You have (print: $points) points.]//
[[TO NEXT SESSION->Session 02-01]]
//[[BACK TO START->Intro]]
[[BACK TO SELECT->Start]]////$charname: "(print: $prevline)"//
//(Rina looks mildly frustrated for a moment.)//
''Rina'': Don’t think of it as making the racket hit the ball. You’re part of one intention.
(text-colour:grey)[`[A young woman, MARJORIE, enters from the left. She crosses her arms and shakes her head]`]
''Competitive Woman'' `[Marjorie]`: Ooh, is this how the great Rina Meier teaches tennis? With trite ‘be the ball’ phrases?
''Competitive Woman'' `[Marjorie]`: Are you gonna have them balance on a post next? Sweep the leg?
(text-colour:grey)[`[Rina turns to face the other woman.]`]
//(Rina glares at the other woman.)//
''Rina'': This is a private session, Marjorie. Don’t bother me if you can’t find anyone to play with you.
''Marjorie'': No worthy opponents, you mean? Yes, that is a problem... unless you think you’re ready to come back to the fold.
(text-colour:grey)[`[Rina shakes her head.]`]
''Rina'': Not for the likes of you. Now if you’ll excuse me, we have more training to do.
''Marjorie'': (text-colour:grey)[(sincere)] ‘We’? Weren’t you already here training until late last night? You need to be more careful, or-
(text-colour:grey)[`[Rina gestures aggressively at Marjorie]`]
''Rina'': (text-colour:grey)[(angry)] You’re the last person I want to take advice from! Go away and let me get back to work.
(text-colour:grey)[`[Marjorie turns and walks away back to the left, and Rina turns back to the Protagonist]`]
''Rina'': That Marjorie. What a frustrating woman. I could have beat her ten times over without breaking a sweat.
* [[I believe it.->Session 02-03]]
* [[She sounded concerned...->Session 02-03]]
* [[Can I take a break now?->Session 02-03]]
(click: "I believe it.")[(set: $prevline to "I believe it.")]
(click: "She sounded concerned...")[(set: $prevline to "She sounded concerned...")]
(click: "Can I take a break now?")[(set: $prevline to "Can I take a break now?")]//$charname: "(print: $prevline)"//
//(Rina seems lost in her thoughts and doesn’t seem to have heard you.)//
''Rina'': ...At any rate, your serve. You need to will yourself into it, like-
(text-colour:grey)[`[Rina moves to take a swing, then drops her racket and collapses]`]
//(Rina drops her racket and cries out in pain.)//
(text-colour:grey)[`[`$charname` kneels by her, concerned, and she shakes her head]`]
//(Rina is in obvious pain, but seems to be trying to control her reaction.)//
''Rina'': (text-colour:grey)[(upset)] I’m – I’m fine. I just – it’s a cramp. I just need to sit. And drink water.
(text-colour:grey)[FADE TO BLACK - SCENE CHANGE]
[[Continue...->Session 02-04]](text-colour:grey)[`[Scene change – outside the locker rooms. $charname and Rina are sitting on a bench, gym bags next to them. Rina is finishing drinking from a water bottle.]`]
//(> Outside the gym locker rooms...)//
''Rina'': I feel better. I’m sorry you had to see that.
''Rina'': (text-colour:grey)[(sad)] Tch... that’s the second time I’ve said that to you. I don’t like that trend.
* [[Are you okay?->Session 02 - 05]]
* [[What was that all about?->Session 02 - 05]]
* [[That seemed serious.->Session 02 - 05]]
(click: "Are you okay?")[(set: $prevline to "Are you okay?")]
(click: "What was that all about?")[(set: $prevline to "What was that all about?")]
(click: "That seemed serious.")[(set: $prevline to "That seemed serious.")]//$charname: "(print: $prevline)"//
''Rina'': (text-colour:grey)[(sad)] Fine. I’m your teacher, I suppose it’s only fair you know. It isn’t like it’s not public...
''Rina'': I was a star tennis for years - from junior high onwards. I loved it, and I just kept getting better.
''Rina'': (text-colour:grey)[(sad)] I got a scholarship, and was hoping to go pro, but... I was in a car accident. My right arm was shattered.
''Rina'': I went through extensive physical therapy. I did all the things they said, every single exercise.
''Rina'': The doctors said I was a marvel. Said my arm had healed back even stronger than before.
''Rina'': (text-colour:grey)[(angry)] But... I can't play like I used to. I'm training harder than I did back then, putting everything into it...
''Rina'': (text-colour:grey)[(upset)] I've watched old videos of me playing, over and over… Why can't I play like that anymore?
* [[You should trust yourself more.->Session 02 - 06A]]
* [[Why still play that way?->Session 02 - 06B]]
* [[Maybe there’s something you missed.->Session 02 - 06C]]
(click: "You should trust yourself more.")[(set: $prevline to "You should trust yourself more.")]
(click: "Why still play that way?")[(set: $prevline to "Why still play that way?")]
(click: "Maybe there’s something you missed.")[(set: $prevline to "Maybe there’s something you missed..")]//$charname: "(print: $prevline)"// ''(+2 pts)''(set: $points to $points + 2)
''Rina'': (text-colour:grey)[(angry)] Trust myself? I do! I trust that I can win, just like I used to, to react-
''Rina'': (text-colour:grey)[(sad)] Reaction. I don't... I don't react in the same way any more, do I?
[[Continue...->Session 02 - 07]]//$charname: "(print: $prevline)"// ''(+3 pts)''(set: $points to $points + 3)
''Rina'': (text-colour:grey)[(angry)] Why? What are you talking about? That's how I won! It's how I'll keep winning! It's... it...
''Rina'': (text-colour:grey)[(sad)] ...It hasn't been working. I'm just doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.
[[Continue...->Session 02 - 07]]//$charname: "(print: $prevline)"// ''(+1 pt)''(set: $points to $points + 1)
''Rina'': (text-colour:grey)[(upset)] How? I've been torturing myself, trying to match every movement, to match my intent -
''Rina'': (text-colour:grey)[(sad)] ...Intent. That's it, isn't it?
[[Continue...->Session 02 - 07]]//(Rina is quiet for a long moment.)//
''Rina'': (text-colour:grey)[(sad)] I've spent so much time trying to be exactly like I was. To feel and think like I used to.
''Rina'': But we're not static. Angles, wind, weather… it all makes a difference. Why didn't I see that?
(text-colour:grey)[''`[{SOCIAL LINK BANNER HERE}]`'']
(text-colour:grey)[`[Rina stands up, wobbles, then straightens.]`]
''Rina'': Oof... I'm okay. I just need to rest. I haven't done much of that lately.
''Rina'': And I need to think. I haven't done much of that lately, either.
(text-colour:grey)[`[Rina nods, and `$charname` stands up.]`]
''Rina'': Sorry, $charname, but I'll have to cut our lesson short for today. I'll be in touch about the next one.
(text-colour:grey)[`[`$charname` nods, and Rina picks up her bag and begins to walk away. She stops and turns to look at the `$charname`, and points at them.]`]
''Rina'': (text-colour:grey)[(happy)] ...And don't forget to work on that serve of yours.
(text-colour:grey)[`[Rina turns and walks away, while `$charname` slumps a little, exhausted]`]
//(text-colour:grey)[You have (print: $points) points.]//
[[TO NEXT SESSION->Session 03 - 01]]
//[[BACK TO START->Intro]]
[[BACK TO SELECT->Start]]////$charname: "(print: $prevline)"// ''(+2 pts)''(set: $points to $points + 2)
''Rina'': Of course it needs work! But that's not the point. Work on everything, all the time.\
[[Continue...->Session 03 - 03]]//$charname: "(print: $prevline)"// ''(+1 pt)''(set: $points to $points + 1)
''Rina'': Wishful thinking! You can't just call it a day when you have something good. You need to try for better.
[[Continue...->Session 03 - 03]]//$charname: "(print: $prevline)"// ''(+3 pts)''(set: $points to $points + 3)
''Rina'': (text-colour:grey)[(sad)] Thanks, but I think you were a better student than I was a teacher. I wasn't taking good care of either of us.
[[Continue...->Session 03 - 03]]''Rina'': My old coach used to say "Talent is a garden. It needs caring for." ...I wish I'd listened to her more.
''Rina'': (text-colour:grey)[(happy)] But now, thanks to you, I think I know a lot more clearly what she meant.
''Rina'': (text-colour:grey)[(sad)] After our last session, I stopped watching videos of myself playing in old games. All it was doing was hurting me.
''Rina'': Instead I watched ones of myself in physical therapy. How hard I was trying, what I learned... and it was so clear.
''Rina'': Something I heard a lot in therapy was "trust your body to tell you what's wrong." To trust my instincts.
''Rina'': I did, and I excelled... but the second I got out, I started ignoring them, thinking I needed to be like I was.
''Rina'': For better or worse, I'm not that person anymore. And I need to leave that behind.
''Rina'': (text-colour:grey)[(happy)] Don't worry - I'm not quitting! But I do need to end our lessons. I need to be a student - of my new form.
[[Continue...->Session 03 - 04]]
(text-colour:grey)[`[MARJORIE jogs in from the left and stops near Rina]`]
''Marjorie'': Hey, you wrapped up yet? I got us a court ready!
''Rina'': (text-colour:grey)[(happy)] In a moment - thanks for waiting.
''Marjorie'': (text-colour:grey)[(happy)] No problem. I've been looking forward to this for ages!
(text-colour:grey)[`[Marjorie waves again and runs off.]`]
//(The young woman waves politely at you with a smile before running off towards the far courts.)//
* [[I thought you didn’t like her.->Session 03 - 05]]
* [[Interesting...->Session 03 - 05]]
* [[What's going on?->Session 03 - 05]]
(click: "I thought you didn’t like her.")[(set: $prevline to "I thought you didn’t like her.")]
(click: "Interesting...")[(set: $prevline to "Interesting...")]
(click: "What's going on?")[(set: $prevline to "What's going on?")]//$charname: "(print: $prevline)"//
''Rina'': I know, I know, probably a little confusing. While I resting up, Marjorie sent me an email.
''Rina'': She apologized for being rude - she'd been a fan of mine, and got too excited and competitive.
''Rina'': One of the managers at the gym told her about my accident, and she begged for my email so she could apologize.
''Rina'': We got to talking, and I asked her if she'd be willing to play me - just for fun and training, not to win.
''Rina'': (text-colour:grey)[(happy)] Heh... even just saying "not to win" feels odd. Past me would have never considered it!
* [[That had to have been difficult.->Session 03 - 06]]
* [[Good for you!->Session 03 - 06]]
* [[I don’t know...->Session 03 - 06]]
(click: "That had to have been difficult.")[(set: $prevline to "That had to have been difficult.")]
(click: "Good for you!")[(set: $prevline to "Good for you!")]
(click: "I don’t know...")[(set: $prevline to "I don’t know...")]//$charname: "(print: $prevline)"//
''Rina'': Don't get me wrong, it was a little difficult. And I would like to win! But learning is more important.
''Rina'': I... wanted to give you this. It's my old water bottle. I don't expect you to use it or anything!
''Rina'': (text-colour:grey)[(sad)] When you saw me throw it, that wasn't the first time I had. I took out so much frustration on this poor thing.
''Rina'': Having it around reminds me of the old me... but hopefully, for you, it's a reminder to trust yourself.
(text-colour:grey)[`[Rina hands the bottle to `$charname`, who takes it.]`]
(text-colour:grey)[`[{SOCIAL LINK MAX}]`]
''Rina'': Take care, $charname. And thank you. Who knows, maybe we'll end up opposite the court one day?
(text-colour:grey)[`[`$charname` and Rina shake hands, and Rina begins to walk away. She stops suddenly and turns around.]`]
''Rina'': (text-colour:grey)[(happy)] Oh - and don't forget to work on your backswing!
(text-colour:grey)[`[Rina turns and runs away, `$charname` waves.]`]
//(text-colour:grey)[You have (print: $points) points.]//
//[[BACK TO START->Intro]]
[[BACK TO SELECT->Start]]//